The Supervisor’s Role . . .
For Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders.
Service Description
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Exceptional customer service is pertinent to an organization’s success. Supervisors must understand their role in creating and sustaining standards of excellent customer service in their business operation. To effectively influence customers, supervisors must develop and provide effective ways of developing and motivating employees and measuring service levels. Participants in this course will critique their personal 'way' of delivering customer service. They will emerge trained in the powerful technique “Moments of Truth”, and how this concept transforms organizations from ordinary to extraordinary. COURSE BENEFITS: Participants will be able to: Create a customer-focused environment and provide leadership in implementing the transition Understand the impact of their style on the performance of the organization Develop standards of performance, and measures to provide continuous feedback of high-quality customer service Identify effective ways of employee selection and development practices that promote exceptional customer service skills Design a plan for supporting and motivating, to create an organization dedicated to customer satisfaction, along with a reward system for excellence Effectively assess customer needs and values Utilize the “Moments of Truth” technique to transform their organization into an exceptional provider of customer service LENGTH: Two days RELATED COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS: Creating and Managing a High Quality, Service-Oriented Environment, Quality Improvement
Contact Details
(562) 590-0512
711 East Wardlow Road, Suite 203, Long Beach, CA 90807