Sullivan International, Inc. designs complete Training Solutions fully
integrated into a seamless delivery system. We’re not bound by walls
nor limited in expertise and creativity.
Sullivan International, Inc. was a pioneer in implementing the “virtual
organization” – the organization of tomorrow. A team assembled from our extensive network of consulting experts and specialty companies provide the best minds and talent in training and performance development to apply to a company’s challenges. We go beyond the theoretical concepts and base our strategies and program interventions on the reality of our clients’ organizations.
Flexibility – We design solutions to fit your individual needs, going beyond what’s available to match alliances and partners that augment your internal operations.
Just-in-Time Delivery – We provide what you want, when you want it.
Responsiveness – We welcome change. As your priorities evolve,
we shift gears fast, moving forward to meet your emerging needs.
Highest Quality – Exceeding your requirements is our highest priority. We don’t talk customer service, we guarantee it.
Continuous Learning – In a rapidly changing business
environment, our staff and associates stay current through ongoing professional development.
Cutting Edge Processes – We use information technology to increase your effectiveness and save you money.