Effective Listening Skills
Learn the listening process and how to use it effectively.
Service Description
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All employees COURSE DESCRIPTION: Studies have shown that adults listen at only 25% efficiency. Leading to the belief that listening is not a skill that people are born with, it is one that must be learned. Unfortunately, most people are not aware that listening is a process. The Effective Listening Skills Workshop is the solution to the virtually universal problems created by poor listening skills. Participants are shown the importance of understanding the listening process. They will use interactive case studies and small group exercises to provide instruction and practice in the four steps of the effective listening process: sensing, interpreting, evaluating and responding. COURSE BENEFITS: Participants will be able to: • Conduct an extensive self-evaluation • Develop an individual listening profile • Identify areas in which improvement is needed • Become aware of the importance of the listening process • Assess individual listening habits and abilities • Receive instruction and practice in effective listening techniques LENGTH: One day. RELATED COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS: Creating and Managing a High Quality, Service Oriented Environment, Leading Effective Meetings, Coaching Skills for High Performance

Contact Details
(562) 590-0512
711 East Wardlow Road, Suite 203, Long Beach, CA 90807