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Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Quality Improvement has been a business ‘buzzword’ for over a decade. This management style produces amazing results, and companies that have mastered it are leaders in their industries. One way to measure the success of quality improvement is through a company's stock value.  Other measurements include heightened customer and employee loyalty and satisfaction, a higher market share, and decreases in operational costs.

COURSE BENEFITS: Participants will be able to:

    Interpret the philosophy of Quality Improvement
    Understand how quality impacts the entire organization
    Analyze their own work and determine the impact Quality Improvement can have
    Identify who their internal and external customers are, and how to provide quality service to meet expectations every time
    Learn and apply selected quality tools in their everyday work activities

LENGTH:    One day
RELATED COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS:    The Supervisor's Role in Delivering Exceptional Customer Service, Project Management, Improving Process Performance

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