Dealing with and Surviving Change I
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All employees
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Increasing industry competition means learning new ways to work and craft a career. Who will be a survivor in this ever-changing business environment? This interactive workshop offers valuable insights into the tools, skills and resources needed for today’s highly dynamic and changing work environment.
The Dealing with and Surviving Change Workshop is a lively mix of expert advice, small group discussion and self-paced learning. Hi-tech voting keypads are used to create instant, confidential feedback on how personal knowledge and skill rate compared to others in the class. Subjects like ‘Managing the Transition Curve’, ‘Survivor Strategies’, and ‘Catching the Next Wave of Change’ are discussed.
COURSE BENEFITS: Participants will be able to:
• Survive industry upheavals as competition increases
• Effectively manage change
• Understand the impact responses have in supporting or hindering personal productivity, performance and career success
• Identify the stages of change and navigate through them effectively
• Identify strategies that sustain performance and both personal and career successLENGTH: One day, plus one-half day follow-up within two weeks to review key takeaways and receive individual feedback reports.
RELATED COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS: New Work Habits for a Radically Changing World, Effective Management of Organization Change, Quality Improvement